These are the Top 6 most Common Mistakes Students Make During Board Exams and How to Avoid Them

As the board exams are around the corner, here is a list of the 5 most common mistakes that students tend to make during their board exams, which can lead to them losing a ton of marks and thus, affecting their percentage.

  • Misreading Questions:

One of the most common mistakes students tend to make while attempting their board exams is to misread the questions while attempting the paper. This usually happens in MCQs and Assertion and Reasoning questions and also when the students are in a haste to attempt all the questions. This error happens almost all the time and is a really silly mistake to make.

  • Not having good time Management:

While attempting your exam, time management is a must. Always dedicate a certain amount of time to each question and section of the paper. If you have great time management while attempting your exam, you will surely manage to get a good result. This tip does not only apply to Boards but also almost all competitive exams like JEE, and NEET as great time management while attempting the exam can make all the difference.

  • Writing information that is not relevant:

Many students tend to believe that if they do not know any answer, writing unnecessary information can get them a few spare marks, but this is not the case. Instead of getting a few more marks, the teacher/checker will get more cautious while checking your answer sheet, and often, this can result in your marks getting deducted even more. So, we suggest that always write the necessary information only. 

  • Poor Health Management:

This is a mistake that can be prevented really easily but most people ignore it. Yes, it is health management. Letting anxiety, and stress take over you can result in you performing badly during your papers. You also have to take into consideration, the lack of sleep as if you do not have adequate sleep, you won’t be able to give your best during the exams.

  • Lack of required Equipment:

Always make sure to bring all the equipment and important stuff that you need for your exam. These include the admit card, pens, scale, pencil, and other stationery, etc. Always make sure to carry your water bottle as the invigilator will not send you or any other student out unless it is a case of dire emergency.

  • Not Revising before submitting the paper:

Every student should revise their answer sheet at least once before submitting their answer sheet. Revising your paper before submitting it is really important as it can help catch any mistake that you have made in your paper. We suggest revising your paper at least twice before submitting your paper but revising it once can do the job.


Will following these tips get you good marks?

As the boards are soon to start, start preparing and do not rely on last-minute studying as it is difficult to remember things at the last minute. It is in the end, all your hard work and zeal to study that you need to ace your Board exams but these tips can surely boost your boards percentage by a margin. 



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