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A rare Shivratri in 60 years: This Mahashivratri is Miraculous


Mahashivratri is an auspicious festival of Hindus celebrated every year in March. this year it will be celebrated on 26 Feb 2025. This year’s Mahashivratri is miraculous as the astrological pattern alignment is magical this year. After having a celebration of almost 45 days at Mahakumbh 2025. The gathering will be terminated by the Mahashivratri 2025 celebration.


Mahashivratri is dedicated to Lord shiva, the destructor of the world. MahaShivratri which comes in phagun month on 14th day of waned moon represents combine avatar of Ardhnareshwar Shiva and Shakti. The day represent alliance of Lord shiva and godess Parvati to maintain universal equilibrium.

As per Astrology there are a lot of planetary changes on this festival and one of the rarest alignment is happening after 60 years.

Planetary alignment happening in Mahakumbh on Mahashivratri:

Moon in Capricon

Dhanishtha Nakshatra

Parigha Yoga

Shakuni Karana

venus Rahu in Pisces

Mars will be in Gemini

Jupiter will be in Taurus

Moon in Capricorn

Ketu in Virgo.

Rare alignment:


Besides Nakshatas, Karanas and Moon this period Venus and Rahu will be present in Pisces  which is said to be one of the most  powerful alignment for love and Union. During this day it is said that if unmarried  people experience fasting then Lord blesses them with love and happy married life. Worshiping lord shiva and Parvati this day will help you empower your love and commitment towards your soulmate. To manifest love this is best time, as Sun Mercury and Saturn will be transitioning in Aquarius zodiac signs. Har Har Mahadev!


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