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Aam Aadmi Party: Big Announcement for Sweepers in Delhi Election 2025

Delhi election 2025

As Delhi elections are declared by CEC we can see the actual heat on the ground. Both Congress and BJP have opened their cards to defeat the AAM Aadmi party. In the Sankalp Patra 2025, BJP made all the announcements to woo the Delhi public, especially for women.


AAP Announcement for Sweepers


Currently, the AAM Aadmi Party has been ruling Delhi for the last 11 years and other parties are doing their utmost to win this election. All parties are trying to woo the female voters. In the meantime, the AAM Aadmi party opened the cards by announcing the benefits for the sweeper’s community.

In this announcement, they promised to give private houses to all the sweepers if the AAM AAdmi party came into power. This announcement seems to be the big card in the mid of election journey.

As per Kejriwal’s party if the Aam Aadmi party is formed they will allot houses to Safai Karmacharies.As per the announcement Central government should authorize land at cheap rates for sweepers in Delhi.

Once land is assigned the Delhi government will build a house on the same land. Safai Karamcharies will deposit the money for the house and land in monthly installments. He said sweepers are facing major problems as they don’t have houses to live in. After their job ends Sweepers come on the road because they have to vacate the government quarters,

The pensions of the workers are not enough to build a new house or purchase land. Kejriwal said he has seen many such people on the road after leaving the job. He said , already written a letter to PM Narendra Modi so that this scheme should be made for government employees of Delhi.


Voting Date  and Candidates


In Delhi, the voting Schedule date is the 5th of February and the result will be declared on the 8th of Feb . There are a total of 70 seats in Delhi on which this election will take place. A total of 1522 candidates have filed their nomination for this election. Out of this 803 nominations are cancelled so now 719 candidates are in the fray now. Some more names can also be withdrawn today but not yet confirmed.




Let’s see whether these woo will attract Delhi people or not but for sure all the parties are trying their best to attain the interest of Delhi voters. But the last decision is in the hands of the Delhi people. How they are going to vote on the 5th of February. Let’s see where the Camel will sit this time.

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