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CISCE ISC Class 12 Board Examination 2025: Important Guidelines and Instructions for the Day of the Examination


The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) has officially commenced the ISC Class 12 Board Exams 2025 on February 13. The first exam is Environmental Science, and the final paper, Art, will conclude on April 5, 2025. All exams are scheduled in one shift, from 2-5 PM that day.

If you are in the process of writing the ISC 12th Board Examination, these exam strategies and critical guidelines give the candidate maximum benefits to accomplish good performance and leave no chance for possible mistakes.


Guidelines for Students Appearing for the ISC Class 12 Board Exams 2025

  1. 1. Report to the Examination Centre Well in Advance-  

✔️Arrive at least at half past 2 in the examination center so as to avoid last-minute panic.

✔️Do not leave the examination hall until the duration of the exam has elapsed.


  1. Confronted with Wrong Question Papers

 ✔️On being given a question that was incorrect, the candidate should draw the invigilator’s attention to it at once.

✔️If, in addition to your paper, maps, graph sheets, or other stationery are needed, do it immediately.


  1. Go through Instructions in the Question Paper Thoroughly:

✔️Essential instructions are given on the first page of your question paper and ought to be read with full attention before you attempt to answer.

✔️Answer as many, and only as many, questions as asked for.


  1. Guidelines for ISC Class 12 Board Exam 2025 Answer Sheets

✔️Clearly write your Unique Identification Number (UID) and Subject Name at the top of the main answer booklet.

✔️Make sure the continuation sheets, maps, and graph papers contain the same details.


  1. 5. Process for Requesting Additional Sheets:

✔️New sheets will be distributed only after you have entirely used the main answer booklet.

✔️Sign your name just on the first page of the main answer sheet before handing it in.


  1. A Few More Ways to Earn Extra Points on Your Answers

✔️Nothing should be written outside of the particulars on the top sheet.

✔️Answers should be written on both sides of the answer sheet with margins left and right.

✔️Tailor each new answer to a new page.


Few more viewpoints :

These points solemnly followed during the ISC Class 12 board exams would be good helps for the students to sail through the board examination and achieve the finest marks.

Wish you all the best for your ISC Class 12 Board Exams, in 2025!   

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