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Did Delhi press the “Exit” button for the AAP? Exit polls indicate that the BJP will win the assembly elections


Exit polls predict a strong comeback by the BJP in Delhi, potentially ending the AAP’s ten-year rule. The AAP is expected to win approximately 23 seats, while the BJP is likely to win 43.These figures indicate a dramatic change in Delhi’s political scene, with BJP supporters eager for change and the AAP rejecting the predictions.

NEW DELHI: The Bharatiya Janata Party is set to form government in Delhi after a gap of 27 years, with almost all exit polls predicting a comfortable majority for the saffron party and a crippling defeat for the AAP. As a result, Arvind Kejriwal’s eleven-year long pursuit of political power might finally come to an end.

According to exit polls, the BJP has a sizable majority and is predicted to win 43 seats, while the AAP could finish far behind with only 26 seats. 36 members make up the majority of Delhi’s 70-member assembly.

The Congress, which is trying to maintain control in Delhi, may eventually make its assembly debut by winning one seat. The Congress failed to win any seats in the most recent two assembly elections.

With the exception of two, all exit polls predicted a BJP victory in Delhi. According to exit polls, the People’s Pulse predicts a BJP victory, with the AAP receiving 10-19 seats and the NDA receiving 51-60 seats. The Congress will not be able to access its account, it said.

The exit poll from People’s Insight predicts that the NDA would get 40–44 seats, the AAP 25–29, and the Congress 0–1 seat.

According to the P-Marq exit poll, the BJP and its allies were projected to win 39-49 seats, the AAP 21-31 seats, and the Congress 0-1 seat.

According to the JVC exit poll, the Congress will get 0-2, the AAP 22-31 seats, and the BJP and its partners 39-45 seats.

Similarly, the Poll Diary predicted that the BJP and its allies would win 42-50 seats, the AAP would win 18-25 seats, the Congress would win 0-2, and the rest would win 0-1.
According to Chankya Strategies’ exit poll, the AAP is anticipated to gain 25-28 seats, the Congress 2-3, and the BJP and its allies 39-44 seats.

Two surveys projected AAP’s victory: Mind Brink Media predicted 44-49 seats for AAP, 21-25 for BJP, and 0-1 for Congress, while Wee Preside predicted 46-52 seats for AAP, 18-23 for BJP, and 0-1 for Congress.

The AAP will win 32-37 seats, a Matrize exit poll said. The BJP-led NDA will walk away with 35-40 seats in a tight competition, the survey added. Congress will remain zero and one seat, it said.
According to an exit poll conducted by DV Research, the AAP will win 26-34 seats, while the BJP and its allies will take 36-44. None will attend the Congress.

AAP dismisses exit polls results

BJP said that this is the manifestation of people’s desire for change, but the AAP, which had bagged 67 seats in 2015 and 62 seats in 2020 in the earlier two assembly polls, dismissed such claims.

“We have repeatedly underestimated Arvind Kejriwal’s party,” said Reena Gupta, AAP’s national spokesperson. The party really receives many times more than these projections. “Every exit poll, whether in 2013, 2015, or 2020, predicted fewer seats for AAP than it actually won”.

However, the actual results revealed that it had more seats,” Gupta said.
The Delhi BJP’s Virendra Sachdeva declared that the party will honor the exit poll results. “I believe the people of Delhi made up their minds long ago that they wanted change,” he told me.

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