The administration issued new rates of monthly, daily, and hourly wages of working workers. Under this, new rates of wages for workers have been issued with increments based on different categories. According to the orders, the minimum wage has been Fixed and increased.
As per the news new rates are decided based on month, day, and hour basis by the administration.
As per the report, new wages are increased based on categories. These categories are A, B, C, and D category. According to the order minimum wages are increased and Fixed.
New Decided wages will be as follows with the information of A, B, C, and D and other categories are as follows.
Category A
Post Graduation, MBA/Marketing/Finance/Human Resource/CS/Any Other Professional Degree.
16,166.04 per month
621.77 per day
77.72 per hour
Category B
Degree or diploma in stenography/computer application/accountancy
14,496 per month
557.54 per day
69.68 per hour
Category C
Above matriculation but not degree/Certification in stenotypist/Computer Application/Data Entry Operator /Accountancy/Timekeeper/SalesMan Assistants/Scorekeepers
12996.04 per month
499.84 per day
62.48 per hour
Category D
Irregular /Contract-based/10th passed
11,796 per month
453.69 per day
56.71 per hour
Other Categories
gatekeeper, peon, chowkidar, sweeper (without machine), rickshaw puller, poster, board boy, gardener, street vendor, laborer, 10th failed peon, assistant, water carrier, oil carrier, beldar, misalchi, guide, pantry man, hawker, lab boy, laborer, loader, unloader, ward boy, operation theatre assistant, female ward attendant, a laundryman.
10996.04 per month
422.92 per day
52.86 per hour
Semi-skilled category
Operators of electrical machine /Vacuum Cleaner/assistant mason/assistant electrician
Experience of 2 years
11776.04 per month
452.92 per day
56.61 per hour
This includes assistant machine man, assistant mason, assistant electrician, assistant welder, junior operator, assistant wireman, shower, bookbinder, ECG/EEG/X-ray assistant, etc.
Educated Worker
Electricians/pump attendants/welders/wiremen/turners/graduation holders/cameramen/video producers/photographers/assistant nurse-cum-midwife(ANM) data entry operators/computer operators/clerks/store keepers/accountants/steno typists/tailors /Design cutters
12673.04 per month
487.42 per day
60.92 per hour
Trained resources by the Department of technical education
Graduate clerk/stenographer/supervisory staff/Sweeping machine operator /Heavy vehicle driver (truck,tractor.bus.Bulldozer/Crane/Road roller/Harvester) medical staff(pharmacist/Nursing superintendent/Plumber/welder.
13705 per Month
527.11 per day
65.88 per hour