Enormous Change: Indian Railways has announced a reduction in the number of coaches in the Vande Bharat Express-from 20 to 8!

The train is phenomenal to Indian Railways- a revolution in high-speed luxury travel, with amenities to match worldwide standards. Introduced into public service in 2019 under the aegis of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, they soon became the darling of travelers for taking the minute modernity and elegance while slashing travel time.
Now, a major update from Indian Railways is surely going to affect the travelers who will use the Secunderabad-Nagpur Vande Bharat Express. The reduction in coaches is from 20 to 8 starting from February 19, the year 2025.


Reason for Cutting Down the Coaches by Indian Railways

It was only last year, months after the decision had been made that the train saw the occupancy of passengers falling low along the route. This high-end service failed to win enough passengers, compounding operational viability issues.


Reason Given by Government for the Low Occupancy

Since its introduction on 16th September 2024, the Nagpur-Secunderabad Vande Bharat Express (Train No. 20101) has had an occupancy of only 33.81% of its full capacity. Effectively, two-thirds of the seats on these journeys remain empty most of the time.


Resource Optimization for Maximum Efficiency

Indian Railways keeps a close watch over the occupancy of its trains so that resources may be optimized. Therefore, since on such a route, demand is low, maintaining a full load of 20 coaches is just not viable. Therefore, by reducing this to 8 coaches, they will:
1. Get rid of unnecessary operational expenditure
2. Manage resources more effectively
3. Improve overall efficiency


Impact on Passengers

1. Limited Availability of Seats

The reduction in available coaches would render the booking of tickets a hard task for passengers during the peak seasons. Early bookings are advised.

2. No Impact on Speed and Comfort of Train

Reduction of coaches shall not impose any change in speed, comfort, or premium service of trains.

3. Changes Can Always Be Made Future wise

If required, the Indian Railways may decide to further expansion to the number of coaches on this route in the future.

Vande Bharat Express Will Play A Vital Role In Furthering Indian Rail Network

The Vande Bharat Express trains connect the foremost cities all over India-in, in other words, Hyderabad, Visakhapatnam, Tirupati, Bengaluru, and Nagpur. And the Secunderabad-Nagpur route has not attracted parallel demand as the rest have.

Finishing up:

Thus, a reduction in coaches on the Secunderabad-Nagpur Vande Bharat Express seems to be a very strategic and well-considered decision for Indian Railways in response to their optimization service. Certain inconveniences might arise for passengers, but this will add value to the overall efficiency and cost optimization.

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