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Health Tips : Dadi Maa Ke Nuskhe for Kids Below 6 Years: Safe and Effective Remedies for Good Health

Dadi Maa Ke Nuskhey

Children’s immunity is very weak as compared to adults. Due to this, children start getting sick quickly when the weather changes. At the same time, many changes occur in the child’s body during growing age, which is why more attention is needed till the age of 1 year. Babies often have problems like stomach aches, constipation, diarrhea, and colds. In such a situation, years-old grandmother’s remedies can prove to be beneficial. Natural things are used in these remedies, and treatment is done naturally.


Stomach ache or gas problem

The problem of stomach ache is very common in infants. It can be detected by the child’s crying. The child starts having pain due to gas formation in the stomach, due to which the child’s stomach also feels bloated. In such a situation, you can use a solution of asafoetida and water. Mix a little asafoetida in a spoonful of water and apply this mixture to the child’s stomach.


Diarrhea in a child

It is common for a small child to have constipation and diarrhea problems. Sometimes, some things are not digested by the child. In such a situation, the child’s digestion is affected, which causes diarrhea. If the child is more than six months old, then you can give him a mixture of banana and ghee. For this, you have to mix a banana, ghee, and some cardamom and nutmeg in a bowl. Feed this mixture to the child little by little.


Constipation in children

Small children may have constipation problems if they are not able to digest food. If the child is more than six months old, then you can adopt the recipe for milk and ghee. For this, you have to add one spoon of ghee in milk and give it to the child before sleeping. Also, the water of soaked raisins can be effective for the child.


Nausea or stomach ache

This is a very old recipe for the problem of nausea or stomach ache. If the child is more than 1 year old, then you can adopt this recipe. For this, you have to grate one inch of ginger and extract its juice. Now add one spoon of honey to it and give it to the child 2 to 3 times a day.


Cold and cough in children

Babies catch colds and cough very quickly. If your child is more than 6 months old, then you can adopt the recipe for celery. You have to dry roast the celery and keep it on a cotton cloth. Now rub it on the chest and waist of the child, this will give relief to the child soon.


Fever in children

A small child may have the problem of fever again and again. This recipe can be used for a child older than one year. For this, you have to prepare a paste by mixing two black peppers, two basil leaves, and a teaspoon of honey. No, we give it to the child 2 to 3 times a day.

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