Shri Premananda Maharaj Indefinitely Halts His Night Pad Yatra in Vrindavan

Shri Premananda Maharaj, Vrindavan:  After several complaints from local residents due to noise disturbances during the pad yatra of Premananda ji Maharaj at 2 am in the morning.

Premananda ji pad yatra

Why was Premananda ji’s pad yatra halted?

The daily Foot walk (Pad yatra ) was part of the spiritual movement he brought in India and just to see him and have  darshan of him every night almost 1000 and above people used to gather on Vrindavan’s road. The yatra used to start every night at 2 am with loud kirtan and chanting by the disciples.  But this Spiritual discourse and nightly processions made residents of NRI Green colony uncomfortable with sleepless nights and loud noises in the night.

As per the sources loud noises along with fireworks created noise pollution for the society people which otherwise to be a holy ritual to be celebrated and feel blessed about. The residents of all generations was facing a constant discomfort as they have to go to offices next morning and have only the night to sleep.

The residents were upset about this processions for nearly months and were constantly complaining to shut it out. The complaints were heard as the borad exams will be starting in a few weeks and students who are preparing for exams had to suffer from health conditions aggravated by sleeplessness.

Though the multiple complains persist to hold the yatra but on the other side the disciples who used to visit Vrindavan from distant locations wanted to have darshan of Premananda ji. Recently the pad yatra became viral on reels of Instagram and YouTube where some people were seen to dress their kids like Radha in order to grab attention of Premananda ji. One reel went viral when people took a dead body  to Premananda ji for the last darshan. It was called bliss of devotion (bhakti rasa) practice for his followers.

Despite the Emotional turmoil experienced by his disciples and followers. Premanandaji’s decision to not to make anybody uncomfortable and stop the pad yatra has been taken by disciples with deep respect and acceptance.

Premanandji yatra halt

Ashram disciples cited two main reason for halt of yatra  to this uncertain period of time

Health issues of Premanandaji: Over last few months Guru ji’s health has been deteriorating so he has kept under observation since than.

Safety concerns due to overcrowding: As the strength of disciples been increasing day by day it is causing a safety concern as well.

Local residents reacted to Premanandaji’s decision by saying a thank you and they further added that their love for Maharaj ji and gratitude that guruji choose to be here is unconditional.

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