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Vastu Tips : Vastu tips for New Homes


Vastu Shastra is a very old science in the field of architecture. This Science has been here for the last  5000 years. The Law behind this science is to harness positive energy and bring prosperity to everyone by using the law of nature. It has been seen that if the person follows Vashtu sastra in his home, it brings him happiness and positivity. So if you are planning to buy a new home, you should follow the Vashtu Shastra to help you get rid of negative energy and bring happiness to your home.

Importance of Vastu Shastra:

Most of the time it has been seen that a person living in Vastu enable house then there will be more spiritual as compared to others

This art of science behind this Vastu shastra is helping them to promote the piece and calm along with relation strength.

Basically vastu shastra contains the Vastu and structure of the home . If we will talk about directions then south-east known as agneya.The southwest is known as Nyruthi, North The southeast is Eesanya and the northwest is Vayuvya. Apart from the northwest on science, there are 12 principles which help to improve Vastprinciple that help Furniture, aspect, Circulation, rooms, privacy, economy, elegance and eco rooms grouping and sanitation. These 12 principle are very useful to build a good home. Vastusastra enables a good connection between the physical environment and life positivity.


Entrance: The main entrance should be east or north. As per the law of nature, these directions are associated with positive energy.









Conclusion :

If a home daviates from These vastu tips then then family members may face disruptions of positive energy. Its effects on your life affect a lot of tension and stress. So if anyone follows the Vastu tips then bring happiness to his life.

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