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Weather Today: High temperature in January made Northern residents tensed

sunny day Delhi

24 January, As per IMD, Due to strong western disturbances, of cold wave now seems to end as we proceed to another day of January. In the northern region of India temperature of the day will go maximum up to 21 degrees Celsius with a clear sunny morning and an afternoon. Due to western disturbance, there can be seen the significant transition of temperature as the days are becoming hotter than March. The residents are tensed as they suspect summers will be tough to handle. There is no sign of precipitation.


Cloud Cover

Clouds will not be seen throughout the day and intense sunlight will shine the day bright.


Prediction of Rain

There is no possibility of Rain for now.


Temperature at various places:

Delhi Weather
temperature- 20 degrees C
Feels like:21 degree
Wind Blow: 7mph with 64% humidity
Visibility: 3 mi
Cloud cover: 51%


Rajasthan Weather
Actual temperature-21 degrees C
Feels like: 22 degree
Wind Blow: N 8mph with 50% humidity
Visibility: 3 mi
Cloud cover: 51%, 30000ft


UP Weather
Actual temperature- 21 degrees C
Feels like: 22 degree
Wind Blow: WNW 9mph with 0% humidity
Visibility: NA
Cloud cover: 0%


Chandigarh weather
Actual temperature- 16 degrees C
Feels like: 13 degree
Wind Blow: NNE 2mph with 50% humidity
Visibility: 3 mi
Cloud cover: 0%



The day marks the transition of temperature from colder to hot and don’t neglect this change as the cases of cold are rising so stay fit and stay healthy.

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